Monday, July 26, 2010

Christmas in July Stovetop Hot Cocoa

Today the sky was overcast all day and my AC had to be on AT LEAST 50 because I was freezing! So I tricked myself into thinking it was October or something and got a hankering for some hot cocoa. I remember when I was little my mom used to occasionally bring out the big stockpot and make hot cocoa on the stovetop and I loved it! So today I decided why not try it myself?
This recipe makes six cups, which is perfect for me because I love hot cocoa for breakfast! Its also super easy and tastes MUCH better than those packets of powdered crap.

Here's what you'll need:
1/4 cup cocoa
1/2 sugar
1/3 cup water
dash of salt
4 cups vanilla almond milk (or soy milk, and if you only have original, just add some vanilla extract...about 1 teaspoon)

Stirring spoon
Sauce pan

First you'll want to mix all your dry ingredients in the sauce pan & add in the water. On medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil, and then boil for about 2 minutes. Turn down the heat just a little bit and add in the milk. Then just keep heating until its warm enough to serve (this is a great time to sample!) and enjoy! (Just don't let it get to a boil again!!!)

See?! EASY! feel free to play around with the amount of sugar (less is more sometimes) and the type/amount of cocoa you use.

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